Cute Couple

Relationship Counseling for Singles

Helping Singles Create Lasting Love

I know what you’re feeling right now. Being alone hurts.

It’s understandable to feel tired, burnt out, and depressed with spending all of your nights by yourself, always wondering why you can’t catch a break.

But sometimes those feelings of exhaustion, frustration, and despair can get in the way of you meeting new potential partners that may lead to you finding the loving relationship that you’ve always wanted.


It can even get to the point of feeling as though there is no point of trying to date again.

You might catch yourself thinking:


“I’m so tired with being alone.”

“I feel like all of my efforts of meeting people never end up going anywhere.”

“No one wants to date me.”


“I’m not an interesting person.”

“What if the person who I am interested in doesn’t feel the same way about me?”


“Why am I the only one in my friend group who is still single?”

“What is wrong with me?”

Relationship Therapist Dallas

You might feel embarrassed and completely lost.

It hurts spending months or years by yourself while all your friends appear happy and content with their lives.

You’re frustrated with yourself for being jealous of their success in both their careers and their love lives, but also want to know when it will be your turn to be happy.

It's so hard to continue trying to find a partner when nothing ever seems to ever change.

And you’re constantly worried that you’ll spend the rest of your life alone.


Thankfully, relationship counseling can help.


I specialize in helping singles create happiness and purpose in their lives.

I help by teaching you how to identify which thoughts and beliefs are making it difficult to find your ideal and loving romantic partner.

From there we will work together to uncover your wants, needs, preferences, and goals for the life you have always wanted to live.

We will transform your negative beliefs into positive thoughts that will lead to you feeling strong, confident, and capable.

Dallas Therapist

The main goal is to help you feel balanced and self-assured again, to help you transform from an uncertain person always worrying about messing up relationships into an attractive individual who can succeed in every endeavor.

You will start living your life again.

You will become the person who you have always imagined yourself to be. 


Many of my clients have entered into counseling feeling powerless, disconnected from significant relationships,

and convinced that they will never meet their ideal partners.

And yet throughout my counseling career I have seen time and time again my clients regain their self-worth, find purpose, and live their lives to their fullest potential.

I teach people….

  • How to create healthy, lasting relationships.

  • How to clarify what they want in a partner.

  • How and where to find and attract their potential matches.

  • How to strengthen their egos to feel more confident that they will meet the romantic interests that they want to include in their lives.

  • How to succeed in the dating world and find lasting love.


Feeling alone in the world can be tough.


But things can change. I can help.

You can feel calm, confident, and balanced again.

You can find the romantic partner who is right for you.

Click on the link below to schedule a free 15-minute consultation so we can talk more about what you need and how I can help.